Behind the Scences - Dessert Bar None

1. Press stamp on white ink pad, then imprint pattern on paper. Start in one corner and work your way down in a column (leaving no gaps) to create a continuous wood-grain pattern. Stamp entire sheet and allow to dry.
2. Measure cupcake from the base to the top of the baking cup. Cut as many stamped paper strips as you have cupcakes to that width.
3. Measure circumference of cupcake and cut strips ½-inch longer. Curl the paper into a ring with ½-inch overlap, and seal with double-sided tape placed on the underside of the overlap.
4. Create a 3 ½-inch long and 1-inch wide diamond-shaped flag template. Trace on patterned paper, then, using ruler as a straight-edge, cut out diamonds with an X-acto knife.
5. Gather (and clean) 3-inch long twigs for flagpoles. Place double-sided tape on the blank side of the paper diamond, fold over twig, and press together.
6. Slip stamped ring on cupcake and stake icing with flag.
Warm up your guests with a chocolate-flavored favor
You will need:
Small plastic bags
4 x 6" cotton bags
Custom-made wedding stamp
Ink pad
Wood veneer
Hole punch
Numeral stamps
Off-white craft paper
Fill plastic bags with cocoa and tie off. Place aside. Stamp muslin bags with a design from your wedding. Slip plastic bags into muslin bags. Cut wood veneer into tags, stamp with wedding date, and punch with a hole punch. Use muslin bag ties to tie on tag. Print cocoa-making instructions on craft paper and place near bags.
Draw a design on the vellum sheet in pencil. (We opted for a simple crest
silhouette to go with our muslin bag stamp.) Cut out shape with X-acto knife. Position stencil on brownie and shake a spoon of powdered sugar over the cutout until pattern is clearly formed.