What's Old is New (and Charming, Too!)

What's Old is New (and Charming, Too!) | Chaos To Art’s re-imagined antique treasures find new life as wedding party surcees, DIY décor, and more

Scroll through Chaos To Art’s offerings on Etsy and you’ll see that, indeed, one person’s cast-off can be another’s treasure … at least with a little TLC. Since 2005, Oklahoma native turned Charleston's Jessie Maynard has been transforming well-loved antiques into gifts and décor that are ripe for the wedding world. Our favorites? The embroidered linens and colorful quilts she transforms into precious lavender sachets (how smart for a lingerie shower favor?) and heart-shaped patches (hello, escort card idea!). 


After stumbling upon more vintage treasures than she could find time to repurpose, Jessie—a homeschooling mom who crafts on the side—launched a second shop, Chaos Supplies, in 2007. There, she sells old-school lettered tiles, fabric scraps, and more to fellow makers, like DIY brides. Here, she shares how she can make your wedding a standout.


Charleston Weddings: How did you get into recycled crafting?
Jessie Maynard: I’ve always been a crafter, so take one lazy college summer spent in a small town in Minnesota (they have the best estate sales), add inspiration from Internet crafting forums, and bam! It’s been 11 years and I can’t stop. 

CW: Where do you find your materials?
JM: Everywhere—thrift stores (I frequent the local Habitat for Humanity ReStores), garage sales, estate sales, eBay, and friends’ and family members’ attics. I choose objects that have lost their usefulness (colored slides, for instance), items that are broken or outdated (board games or hardcover books), and linens that have holes or tears but still have beautiful sections.
CW: How do your creations fit in with weddings?
JM: I’ve filled custom orders for lavender sachets with embroidery colors matching the bride’s wedding or shower colors, and can work with a customer’s own materials to make sachets and ring bearer pillows. I’ve made mini-notebooks for favors, and book journals for guest books. Many items in my supply shop can also be used for DIY décor, such as patchwork quilt hearts and 35mm slides.
The Lowdown on Chaos
Homebase: West Ashley
Offerings: Chaos To Art sachets (start at $5.50 for three), journals ($7.50 and up), coasters ($15 for four); Chaos Supplies' vintage greeting cards ($2.50 and up), photo slide frames ($3.50 for 25), quilt heart cutouts ($7 for 10); wooden lettered tiles ($18)
Custom Order Turnaround Time: Three days to two weeks
Daytime Gig: Homeschooling her daughter
Photograph courtesy of Jessie Maynard


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