Fiery Palette

Sometimes it takes a mountain to make a relationship. In the case of New Yorkers Lauren Price and Matthew Fogarty, that mountain was Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro, and together, the couple climbed 19,340 feet to the top of the extinct volcano in Tanzania. “Afterward,” says Lauren, “I knew with even more certainty that he was my perfect match. It was really hard for both of us, I got very sick the day we summited; and I was freezing and exhausted. He stayed right with me and encouraged me the whole time.” Luckily, planning their wedding was much easier, thanks to event designer Kristin Newman. “The planning process couldn’t have been more fun or relaxed,” says Lauren. A single photograph she showed Kristin summed up the overall feeling she wanted: a warm, autumnal celebration saturated with color. From there, everything fell into place. Lauren and Matt wed at the French Huguenot Church and after the ceremony, guests were shuttled to the Middleton Place plantation, greeted by a gospel choir, and led to a cocktail hour under a grand oak. Upon the bridal party’s arrival, everyone formed a scenic parade that wove across the grounds to the dining tent. After a full evening of toasts, dinner and dancing, the band and guests sent the happy couple off with sparklers. All in all, it was much easier than climbing a mountain—and a lot more fun. Of course, the Lowcountry setting was an essential element, especially for Lauren, who spent a lot of time here while growing up. “When it came to bringing a group of Northerners down South,” explains Lauren, “I thought Charleston would show Southern culture at its best.”