The Book-It Babes

The Book-It Babes | Wedding room blocks organized with no strings attached and no fees charged? Yes, please!
Room reservations may be one of the most unglamorous and yet most important parts of planning a destination wedding. And with Charleston winning “Best City in the World” (thank you, Condé Nast Traveler) for the ninth year running, there are oodles of lodging options at every price range. So if you’re asking everyone from your auntie to your boss to pack up and join you on your Big Day, do them a good turn and take the hassle out of booking while shaving a little off the expense, too. SB Room Blocks (;, a free (yes, free) hotel blocking service from the sister company of Stunning and Brilliant Events, has been doing just that for five years now. Based here, they know the ins and outs of Lowcountry hotels, resorts, and more like few others. Read on and then check out their extended FAQs on their site. (Oh, and while we can't imagine why anyone would wed anywhere but the Lowcountry, they book rooms worldwide.)
Charleston Weddings: What’s a room block?
SB Room Blocks: Nine-plus rooms booked at the same hotel.
CW: Why is room blocking so helpful here and do planners tackle it?
SBRB: This is such a huge wedding destination and everyone traveling here needs a place to stay. We narrow options down to the best places, best prices, and those most convenient to the wedding venue. And no, most planners don’t include it.
CW: And if they do, they certainly don’t do it for free. What hotels do you work with?
SBRB: In Charleston: The Dewberry Hotel; King Charles Inn; The Francis Marion Hotel; Courtyard by Marriott Waterfront, to name just a few. We also work with hotels in Myrtle Beach, Litchfield Beach, Pawleys Island, and Georgetown. We work nationwide and international, too.
CW: What are typical savings?
SBRB: It can vary from $10 to $50 a night, but if we book early enough or book a big block there can be really good discounts—plus a free wedding night room for the bride and groom.
CW: Some readers might not see that as a big cut. I’m not sure couples realize how many calls, emails, and texts guests will send them just about hotels. The hand-off of booking alone seems priceless—for couples and guests—especially when you’re getting everyone near one another and near the location. Oh, and doesn’t blocking help with welcome bag delivery?
SBRB: OMG, blocking is huge for that. Without room-block lists, you have no idea who is staying where. But with blocking, there is a list so everyone knows exactly how many bags need to be delivered where.
CW: Who’s this perfect for?
SBRB: Those having destination weddings with 100-plus guests and out-of-towners. Especially couples who don’t know the area. Sometimes we’re able to give guests a phone number for booking, other times it’s a simple link.
CW: Are couples liable for rooms that don’t get filled?
SBRB: No, those rooms are released. And most of the contracts are between us and the hotels, so they aren’t accountable.

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