Kate & Edward | Engagement Session

The Wedding Row: Start us at the beginning. How did you two meet?
Kate: Edward and I met through work in 2014. We were both living in Washington D.C. and Edward needed some software configured on his computer. As luck would have it, it was my responsibility to provide that help. The IT session segued into lunch, and lunch gradually turned into drinks, and before we knew it, we were giggling together at an evening presentation on First Lady fashion at the National Archives.

Edward: We got dirty looks for not appreciating the fashionista that President Andrew Jackson’s wife was, and from that moment we were a gang of two, always pushing back against the foibles of executive office gowns.

TWR: How long did you all date before getting engaged?
Kate: We were together for three years before Edward popped the question.
Edward: *Ahem* three years, one month, and 12 days.
Kate: I think we must disagree on when “dating” began.
Edward: Whatever you say, honey.

TWR: Let’s chat about the proposal. How did Edward pop the big question?
Kate: I was in New York City. On my last night in town, Edward made dinner reservations at a fancy place in Central Park. Dinner and dessert came and went, and Edward insisted we go for a walk through the park. Very coyly, Edward led us to Bow Bridge, which I later learned is (deservedly) considered the most romantic spot in the park. He got on one knee, adorably fumbled as he grabbed the ring box from his pocket, and asked if I’d marry him. Of course, I said, “Yes!” It was amazing to be there just the two of us, along with the odd crew of a dozen or so raccoons that were watching.

Edward: It took me a good three minutes to get the box out of my jacket pocket, but at least I managed a marginal surprise. We were also accosted by a herd of raccoons post engagement, likely heralding good times.

TWR: Sounds like you all had an audience! We heard that you already wed. Tell us a bit about the Big Day.
Kate: We got hitched only a few days after the engagement shoot! It was a blast. We fell in love with the Thomas Bennett House and were elated when, only six to seven months before the wedding, they had our target date (7/7) available. It poured the rain all day until the ceremony started. Master planner Cayleigh Hopkins of The Petal Report came up with a rain plan and everything went smoothly from our perspective. The food was great; the band was awesome; our friends and family really enjoyed it; and it was the best day of our lives.

Edward: Everything was indeed awesome. Further highlights include my mother singing “The Girl from Ipanema,” my mother leading the Hora line astray, and my mother kicking off the dance floor. Did I mention my mother?

TWR: That sounds like a blast. We spy a lot of giggling during your engagement shoot.
Kate: We found the prospect of a photo shoot very awkward, so we made the most of it. Edward has an amazing ability to make awkward feel hilarious, with a constant torrent of bad jokes and tickling. We wanted the shoot to capture us being us, so the only way to get that was to goof off the way we normally do. Our photographer, Rachel, kept reminding us that the more touching we did, the better the photos will be. There were a few times where we unnaturally contorted ourselves to maximize contact, which was hilarious and definitely not photogenic.

Edward: I tend to make seriously awkward statements then talk about how awkward it is for strangers to hear those statements.

TWR: How about those lifts and jumps?
Kate: Rachel recommended we do one and then Edward couldn’t get enough. In a couple of them, I remember just hoping my dress was long enough!
Edward: There’s a lot of CGI and hidden ropes involved.

Images by Rachel Red Photography

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