Sarah & Carl | Thomas Hall

There are so many cool details about this couple and their sleek black-tie wedding by Bouquets and Bowties that we hardly know where to start. How about let’s back up for a sec and start with the proposal? For that, Carl planned a trip to Spain (including a surprise engagement), but when the two landed in Barcelona, the place where he wanted to propose was closed due to political protesting. Luckily, by day two, cool heads had prevailed, the Catelonians backed off, and come sunset, Carl could be found popping the question Sarah atop Montjuïc (a hill with an ancient castle overlooking the sea). Their wedding weekend had just as much drama (and gorgeousness, too, à la the all-white bouquets and floral arrangements by Tiger Lily Weddings) as that proposal. Proof: Sommelier Sarah kicked off their reception with an honest-to-goodness “champagne sabrage”—meaning she broke the top off of a bottle of champagne with a sabre. Talk about the perfect accompaniment to all that delicious-looking food (thank you, Salthouse Catering)! And the following night? The newlyweds threw what they called “a masquerade barn party complete with a full band and a pig roast” to keep the party going. Um, is it just us, or doesn’t this seem like a couple you’d want to hang out with, too?

Event Planner: Bouquets and Bowties | Florals: Tiger Lily Weddings | Photographer: Emily Meeks Photography | Venue: Thomas Hall | Rentals: EventWorks | Caterer: Salthouse Catering | Bar: MIX Premier Bartending | Band: One Kool Blow | Hair and Makeup: Eye Do Makeup & Hair


The Wedding Row

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