Notecard Favors

Notecard Favors | Give a token, like these notecards designed by Perla Anne stationery's Stacey Bradley, to let guests know you appreciate how they’ve been there for you

Cut paper into rectangles twice as long as they are wide, then fold in half with scorer. Next, cut out smaller squares of your decorative element, and glue these in the center of each card.You will need: Heavy-stock art or craft paper Scissors Scorer Double-sided adhesive Decorative element (hand-blocked or hand-stamped paper, vintage wallpaper, fabric, or small photos) Ribbon Cut paper into rectangles twice as long as they are wide, then fold in half with scorer. Next, cut out smaller squares of your decorative element, and glue these in the center of each card. (Stacey used “Love” block prints from her “Cierah” collection.) Last, write a personal note to the recipient in the top card, and bind the bundle together with ribbon.

The Wedding Row

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