Get Your Bargain On!

Get Your Bargain On! | Try these stellar sites for wedding day steals, deals, and Lowcountry loot

Whether you’re thrifty, a DIY queen, or just a bonafide hunt-and-find addict, gathering goods (and a gown) for your Big Day has never come with more tag-sale appeal than in the age of the Internet. Swap the sweaty yard sales this summer and instead try scrolling your way to the lanterns, chalkboards, invitations, light-up signs, cake toppers, and even designer frocks of your fantasies. Here is a roundup of some of our favorites.

Lowcountry Recycled Bride: Founded in 2013, this Facebook group has nearly 8,500 members who post everything from décor for sale to vendor questions. It’s as much about wedding planning advice from been-there-done-that newlyweds to the newly affianced as it is about buying and selling.


Craigslist: From signs to arbors, flower-girl frocks, and silk garlands, it’s here (search Charleston, South Carolina, and “wedding”). The bonus: the inventory tends toward quality goods; the downside: you can’t preview your seller like on Facebook.


Tradesy: This national site started as Recycled Bride back in 2003; the wedding tab still yields curated décor, paper goods, fashion, gifts, and on, and on.


Bridal Garage Sales: From flower walls to mirrored trays, this national site has a deep, deep inventory. We've linked to the Charleston portion, but there are more South Carolina cities and national listings, too. 


Facebook Marketplace: Head to your Facebook homepage, then look in the left column under “Explore.” Click on the little awning for the Marketplace and away you go down a rabbit hole of Charleston area sales. For décor, try “Hobbies,” then “Arts and Crafts.” And for great bridesmaids goodies, find monogrammed ball caps and Turkish towels under “Clothing and Accessories.”

The Wedding Row

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September 18 2018
Two weeks before Mike graduated from Endicott College in Beverly, Massachusetts, he met fellow student Taylor, who was wrapping up her freshman year. After six years of dating, the two had a thriving...

September 17 2018
So we’re back to the offices after having evacuated Charleston due to Hurricane Florence. While we’re thankful that the Lowcountry was spared devastation, it’s obviously bittersweet relief given so...

September 12 2018
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September 11 2018
Hot times calls for haute trends. From custom newlywed crests to one cutie of a bar-on-wheels, here are our top five takeaways from the current issue of Charleston Weddings magazine. Click here to...

September 10 2018
The Wedding Row: Tell us about the beginning of you as an item. Emily: In 2014 I was home from grad school and I went to the gym. That’s where I met Justin–a new guy who had just moved from...

September 7 2018
A last-minute opening at Carlos Hernandez’s autumn photography workshop at Lowndes Grove Plantation led to today’s minimalist and moody post shot by Rachel Craig. Her big takeaway from the styling,...

September 6 2018
Lindsay and Andrew, who both grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, first met at the Charleston Animal Society’s Firefighter Calendar Debut party and auction. Yep, you read that right. A PG-version of a “Magic...