Get Your Bargain On!

Get Your Bargain On! | Try these stellar sites for wedding day steals, deals, and Lowcountry loot

Whether you’re thrifty, a DIY queen, or just a bonafide hunt-and-find addict, gathering goods (and a gown) for your Big Day has never come with more tag-sale appeal than in the age of the Internet. Swap the sweaty yard sales this summer and instead try scrolling your way to the lanterns, chalkboards, invitations, light-up signs, cake toppers, and even designer frocks of your fantasies. Here is a roundup of some of our favorites.

Lowcountry Recycled Bride: Founded in 2013, this Facebook group has nearly 8,500 members who post everything from décor for sale to vendor questions. It’s as much about wedding planning advice from been-there-done-that newlyweds to the newly affianced as it is about buying and selling.


Craigslist: From signs to arbors, flower-girl frocks, and silk garlands, it’s here (search Charleston, South Carolina, and “wedding”). The bonus: the inventory tends toward quality goods; the downside: you can’t preview your seller like on Facebook.


Tradesy: This national site started as Recycled Bride back in 2003; the wedding tab still yields curated décor, paper goods, fashion, gifts, and on, and on.


Bridal Garage Sales: From flower walls to mirrored trays, this national site has a deep, deep inventory. We've linked to the Charleston portion, but there are more South Carolina cities and national listings, too. 


Facebook Marketplace: Head to your Facebook homepage, then look in the left column under “Explore.” Click on the little awning for the Marketplace and away you go down a rabbit hole of Charleston area sales. For décor, try “Hobbies,” then “Arts and Crafts.” And for great bridesmaids goodies, find monogrammed ball caps and Turkish towels under “Clothing and Accessories.”

The Wedding Row

January 29 2019
What do you get when you mix a love for the outdoors with the inherent girly-girl style that comes when you run a hair and makeup company? Mason and Alex’s well-rounded wedding, of course! Bride...

January 28 2019
Chanel and Alex’s courtship reads like a rom-com, so buckle in for the ride. The two (he’s from Boston and she’s from Atlanta) met during their sophomore year at College of Charleston when Alex...

January 25 2019
We love it when neighbors from “Off” come to Charleston with a fresh look at some of our favorite old stomping grounds to give brides ideas anew. That’s what we’re showcasing today, thanks to...

January 24 2019
New Yorkers Mindy and Matt picked Charleston for a destination weekend a scant few months ago (his biz partner is based here, so they’d fallen for the city some time before). In proper Big City style...

January 23 2019
There are wedding hashtags, then there are neon signs for wedding hashtags! Meet Meghan and Beau, who are not only aces at hashtags but also so bold as to commission a neon sign reading #...

January 22 2019
Ever wonder how a super fancy blockbuster wedding gets pieced together while still coming off as personal? We took a look at Mary and Reid’s fantastic Fenwick Hall wedding, planned exquisitely by...

January 21 2019
So does all the heart candy in stores have anyone else out there seeing red–in the good way? Us, too. Thus we bring you Devin and Scott’s enchanting wedding at Lowndes Grove Plantation...

January 18 2019
Can we just say we love how Caitlin and Michael operate? The pair, who live outside Indianapolis, Indiana, wed on a Sunday last summer with a handful of family and little ones in tow at The William...