When Krista Engler moved to Charleston in 2012 with her husband, she joined the design gurus at Cobble Hill as art director. By day, she still wears that cape (she’s behind some of the Holy City’s top brands, like Jack Rudy Cocktail Co., Little Jack’s Tavern, and Sisal & Tow, and has done work for Reese Witherspoon’s Draper James and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition’s darling, Marysia), but by night? She assumes her place as a stalwart of the local maker’s scene, heading Supermassive Textiles (@supermassivetextiles, SupermassiveTextiles.com), her line of hand-dyed fabric creations. While the mottled wraps might come in handy as favors amid breezy receptions, and the pillows could feather your newlywed nest, her airy catchall bowls are prime for petal tossing, bridesmaids gifts, and maybe even as a nightstand jewelry holder for you.
Fabric as a medium has long been a favorite for Krista, who says she particularly enjoys dyeing. “It really forces you to lean into the process,” she says, “and to accept the sometimes unpredictable nature of dye.” Pottery inspired her rope bowls, and, after countless trial and error sessions, Krista found a rhythm that worked. Made from hand-dyed cotton rope that is stitched carefully together, each one is slightly different and evokes the mellow vibe that’s manifested in all sound handwork.
Artisan Market
Love handmade goods? Find Super-massive Textiles and cohorts at Charleston’s premiere pop-up market, Thrifters and Drifters (ThriftersandDrifters.com). The curated to-do happens several times throughout the year. To stay abreast of the schedule, subscribe to the group’s newsletter, or follow and like them. You can preview vendors when each new market’s date is announced.
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